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About Active Minds at Riverside City College


We are an Active Minds chapter from Riverside City College in Riverside, California. Active Minds is a non-profit mental health awareness organization to engage in conversations about mental health among college students. There are 426 Active Minds chapters nationwide! As mental health awareness grows stronger, more people are listening. Here are the issues among college students today:


Why should you be concerned about student mental health?


The average age of onset of most mental health disorders is 18-24.

1,100 college students die by suicide each year making it the 2nd leading cause of death

on college campuses. 

44% of college students report having felt so depressed in the past year it was difficult

to function.

2/3 of students who need help don’t receive it.

Source: Active Minds website


Active Minds’ goal is to help students become emotionally healthy before they reach the

point of crisis. This includes:


Empowering students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others;

Supporting students in making lifestyle changes that promote sounder mental health;

Encouraging students to seek help when they need it;

Providing information, leadership opportunities and advocacy tools.

Source: Active Minds website


Mental health awareness is still a topic people tend to shy away from in this country. Mental health is the root of all actions and emotions. Not everyone has mental illness, but everyone has mental health. The more we speak about mental health, the more people will feel comfortable about their own mental health. Let's reduce the stigma together!


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